Andrei Moise

Andrei Moise


Specialist licențiat și verificat

Garanția banilor înapoi

Putem vorbi despre

Obiectivele tale de wellbeing, provocari, probleme, simptome, tulburări sau afecțiuni sau despre cum să fii (mai) bine cu tine. Specializarea mea principală este:


Te pot ajuta și cu







Atacuri de panică

Tulburări de personalitate


Tulburare de stress post-traumatic

Tulburări psihice

Dificultăți de relaționare



Tulburare obsesiv-compulsivă


Tulbulare Bipolară


Tulburări psihice asociate bolilor oncologice

Tulburări psihice asociate bolilor somatice

Psihologie clinică


Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:

Testimoniale( 239 )

Vezi toate

Silviu Teodor Popescu


Silviu Teodor Popescu

Primesc întotdeauna sfaturi foarte bune de la Andrei. Îl recomand cu drag oricui are nevoie!

Ana Doaga

Il recomand cu caldura pe Andrei si il consider un pilon important al schimbarilor pozitive prin care am trecut in ultimii ani.

Arată mai multe

Despre mine

Certified clinical psychologist specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Why do I use cognitive behavioral psychotherapy? 
Many in vogue psychotherapies have not been rigorously researched and offer no guarantee for an effective and evidence-based treatment. The same cannot be said of CBT, which is currently the most researched form of psychotherapy. 

What made me choose to be a psychologist?
The answer is a combination of cultural, genetic and biological factors, events that took place in my development, of which I am most likely unaware. But I know that I was fascinated by the human mind when I was a child, after receiving a book with optical illusions at the age of five. 
More about me: AI researcher, I love espresso, lifting weights, brazilian jiu-jitsu,  podcasts, travel and listening or reading books. I also have a French Bulldog, his name is Blackberry (Mură). 

P.S. Psychotherapy is not just about getting well and being the person you were before, it is also about improving, getting better and increasing your well-being.

For appointments, send me a message.


Bachelor of Science – BS, Psychology

Specialization - Psychology (3 years)


Master of Science – MS, Clinical psychology and short-term therapeutic interventions

Specialization - Clinical psychology and Psychotherapy (2 years)


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Psychologist certified by the College of Psychologists in Romania (Personal ID 15451)

The College of Psychologists in Romania Personal ID 15451

2013 -

Membru în

The College of Psychologists in Romania - Personal ID 15451

Psychologist certified by the College of Psychologists in Romania (Personal ID 15451)


American Psychological Association (APA) - Personal ID 00222602

APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 115,700 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. Our mission is to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people's lives. We do this by: Encouraging the development and application of psychology in the broadest manner. Promoting research in psychology, the improvement of research methods and conditions and the application of research findings. Improving the qualifications and usefulness of psychologists by establishing high standards of ethics, conduct, education and achievement. Increasing and disseminating psychological knowledge through meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications.


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