Romina Ciobanu

Romina Ciobanu

Consiliere Doula postpartum

Specialist licențiat și verificat

Putem vorbi despre

Cum comunicați tu și copilul tău, probleme care pot apărea, bune practici în parenting sau cum faci față etapelor de schimbare din viața ta și a copilului tău. Specializarea mea principală este:

Consiliere Doula postpartum

Te pot ajuta și cu



Relația cu copilul

Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:


Despre mine

As a postpartum doula, my role is to be by the side of mothers during the delicate and transformative postpartum period. I deeply believe that this transition can be smoother and more beautiful with the right support. I’m here to listen, encourage, and help new mothers find the confidence and balance they need in this new chapter of their lives.
The support I provide varies greatly depending on the needs of each mother and family. Sometimes, moms need someone to simply listen to them, validate their emotions, and reassure them that what they’re feeling is completely normal. Other times, I assist with newborn care—whether it’s learning proper breastfeeding positions or soothing a crying baby.
In addition to emotional and practical support, I provide information. Every mother has her own questions and challenges, and I’m here to help them navigate through, present options, or refer them to specialists if needed.
I also support the entire family. Whether it’s the partner, grandparents, or older siblings, I help them better understand the mother’s needs and contribute to creating a harmonious environment.
For me, being a postpartum doula means creating a safe, warm, and calm space where the mother can focus on her healing and building a deep connection with her baby. It’s an honor to witness these special moments and contribute to a positive experience for each family.


Certified Doula postpartum

2023 - 2024

Certified of free practice in Educational Psychology, School and Vocational Counseling

Accredited by the CPR

2022 -


Certified Doula postpartum

Certified by the Romanian Asociation of doula

2023 -

Psychologist in Educational Psychology, School and Vocational Counseling

2023 -

Membru în

The college of psychologists


Romanian doula association


Vezi încă 1


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