Anca Paunica

Anca Paunica


Specialist licențiat și verificat

Putem vorbi despre

Obiectivele tale de wellbeing, provocari, probleme, simptome, tulburări sau afecțiuni sau despre cum să fii (mai) bine cu tine. Specializarea mea principală este:


Te pot ajuta și cu





Tulburare obsesiv-compulsivă

Tulburare de stress post-traumatic

Tulburări psihice asociate bolilor somatice

Atacuri de panică

Disfuncții sexuale

Dificultăți de relaționare

Tulburări alimentare

Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:


Despre mine

I am a psychiatrist trained in France and US, Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry (2004) and Board Certified in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2009) by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. I have the Belgian recognition for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Arrete Ministeriel). I am treating children, adolescents, and adults mostly from the expatriate English speaking community in the Brussels area. I offer comprehensive evaluations and individualized treatments, integrating evidenced-based psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. My approach include individual psychotherapy, play therapy for pre-schoolers, family therapy, parent counselling. Medications are sometimes considered when I feel it is absolutely necessary and only after thoroughly explaining the benefits, risks and side effects. I often encourage my clients to consider the benefits of meditation, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for relapse prevention. I developed a particular interest in mindfulness for parenting and its influence on positive family relationships. Because of my background and experience in multiple cultures and systems of care, I can easily understand the challenges of the expatriate community.



Diploma de Doctor Medic

1982 - 1988

SUNY Downstate Residency in Psychiatry

Residency training in Psychiatry Brooklyn NY, USA

1998 - 2002

Vezi încă 1


I have the Belgian recognition for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Arrete Ministeriel)

on going

2010 -

Membru în

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry



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