Nina Morariu

Nina Morariu

Life coaching

Specialist licențiat și verificat

Putem vorbi despre

Dezvoltare personală și profesională, performanță la job și în carieră, schimbări și perioade de criză, autocunoaștere și alegeri potrivite. Specializarea mea principală este:

Life coaching

Te pot ajuta și cu

Coaching pentru carieră

Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:


Despre mine

Who am I? I'm a Transformational Coach accompanying women on their way to self-discovery, fullfilment and succes. I am a proud member of International Coaching Federation and graduate of Mind Learners coaching school. I work with women all over the world in helping them achieving their goals, find their inner power and live the life they deserve. ​I'm here for you and I'm determined to help you discover yourself. To find your lust for life, your joy of living, your inner spark and what trully makes you happy! ​No, change doesn't happen in a day. But what I can promise you is that it won't take you years. It's not necessary to go through the same difficult process I went through. I'll give you all the necessary tools and guide you so that you get results in a short time. Step by step, I'll be by your side and I'll support you to bring change in your life. All you need is already within you. Together, we just bring it out to light. During our individual coaching sessions, I am there for you to sustain you, to hold your hand, to cheer you up and to hold the space so that you can transform into the most amazing version of yourself, or how I like to call it "from caterpillar to butterfly". ​At the end of our journey together, you will find yourself as you have always been: bright, creative, full of life and fulfilled. You will walk your path with your head held high and your eyes sparkling. ​I'm ready to put on the table all my experience and abilities to support you in your becoming.


Mind Learners

Transformational Coaching

2021 - 2021


Master: Management and Business Communication

2006 - 2008

Vezi încă 1


ICF member

2021 -

Transformational Coach

Mind Learners

2021 -

Vezi încă 1

Membru în

International Coaching Federation



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