Nicoleta Marin

Nicoleta Marin

Coaching pentru carieră

Specialist licențiat și verificat

Putem vorbi despre

Dezvoltare personală și profesională, performanță la job și în carieră, schimbări și perioade de criză, autocunoaștere și alegeri potrivite. Specializarea mea principală este:

Coaching pentru carieră

Te pot ajuta și cu

Coaching pentru schimbare și perioade de criză

Coaching pentru management

Executive coaching

Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:


Despre mine

I am passionate about personal development and lifelong learning. I believe each person is unique, resourceful, wants to contribute to something bigger and to live a meaningful life. For me the coaching is an exciting journey of self-discovery for a personal and professional fulfillment. As a coach, I see myself as a travel partner. I am present, with my whole being, to support the person I accompany in every moment of his journey. I also practice human-centered, innovative and experiential learning methods like Lego(R) Serious Play (R) and Designed Thinking. Since 2015, I’ve been accompanying people and teams in organizations to grow, transform and create collaborative environments, from multinationals to start-ups and NGOs. Before this, I’ve built my experience in organizational development and project management within the banking sector, both in France and Romania. Through different managerial positions, for more than 10 years, I’ve helped develop two new subsidiaries and implement continuous improvement and transformational projects. I have a mixed experience as a multinational company employee, entrepreneur and freelancer. I worked in multinational teams, with people all over the world and lived in two different cultures. I think what helped me to enjoy and to succeed in all these different experiences is a genuine curiosity to understand people and situations, a flexible and open minded approach and a results-oriented action. In my personal life, I'm the mother of two children, a boy and a girl, that I simply adore. Since they were borned, I think they were the most important teachers for my personal growth. I love nature, hikings, trekkings and biking. I love films, theatre, dance, music, literature. I consider nature and arts as inexhaustible sources of energy, connection and personal development.


Master BAC+5, " Human Dynamics and Organizational Development", France

2003 - 2004

Master BAC+4, Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

1996 - 2000


Professional Coach certified Metasysteme Coaching, Alain Cardon MCC

2018 -

Team professional coach, Delegated Processes, Certified Metasysteme Coaching, Alain Cardon MCC

2018 -

Vezi încă 2

Membru în

Federatia Internationala de Coaching



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