Magda Dorobanțu

Magda Dorobanțu

Coaching pentru carieră

Specialist licențiat și verificat

Putem vorbi despre

Dezvoltare personală și profesională, performanță la job și în carieră, schimbări și perioade de criză, autocunoaștere și alegeri potrivite. Specializarea mea principală este:

Coaching pentru carieră

Te pot ajuta și cu

Coaching pentru management

Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:

Despre mine

Energized and certified coach and catalyst for clients looking to hear the truth, discover the impossible, and find fulfilment at work, home and everywhere in between ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My clients know me for my ability to see things that others don’t, and for the courage to say it out loud, even if it is not comfortable. This helps leaders see how strong they are, increase their influence up and lead their teams with empowerment over control.

Often, my clients come to me with a lack of commitment to themselves, and express feeling overwhelmed. They leave our conversations energized and confident and go out into the world creating the impossible, like getting an MBA scholarship, being more creative, pursuing their career ambitions in a sustainable way, getting clarity on their career.

My clients are high potentials, leaders and executives in IT, financial services, food & bev, insurance, pharma, oil & gas .from Romania, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, France, UK, Poland, Jordan.

3 words that describe my coaching style are direct not directive
I am currently reading The Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown (in progress)

Coaching is my third career, since 2019 (~750 coaching hours). Previously, as a corporate banker at ING, I was the go-to person for the largest food and beverage and construction companies in Romania. 
As corporate banker I have coordinated the 1st sustainable financing deal for ING and I have a track record of aligning people from different departments, having different interests, to generate the optimal solution for clients.

At the age of 22, I was a financial editor who interviewed the CEOs and board members of some of the largest banks in Europe, like Société Générale, Deutsche Bank, and Dexia.
I have an open heart and a big mouth, and have always been committed to seeing possibility when others only see impossibility. I understand at a deep level that overcoming obstacles in life is the way to progress and growth. Both proved very useful in motherhood - which was more like a marathon in the desert with no shoes or water rather than the blissful journey I envisaged. But I pressed forward, and have two amazing (if sometimes infuriating) daughters


Metasysteme Coaching

2019 -

Membru în


Coach acreditat ACC de catre ICF



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