Julien Lefort

Julien Lefort

Coaching pentru management

Specialist licențiat și verificat

Putem vorbi despre

Dezvoltare personală și profesională, performanță la job și în carieră, schimbări și perioade de criză, autocunoaștere și alegeri potrivite. Specializarea mea principală este:

Coaching pentru management

Te pot ajuta și cu

Life coaching

Coaching pentru carieră

Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:


Despre mine

I am an experienced Success Coach specializing in resilience, strengths and transition coaching. I consult with both individuals and organisations and support them in implementing performance acceleration initiatives (Individual and group coaching, Organisational culture and values, Leadership Development programmes…) For the last 15 years, I worked with both non-profit (AIESEC, Chance UK, CoachingForEveryone) and private sector (Société Générale, Adecco, Thomsons Online Benefits - Mercer group). I have grown a passion for developing people and for empowering them to learn, grow and discover their inner self. I have supported young individuals all the way through to senior executives giving myself a well-rounded experience and adding breadth of expertise to my knowledge. My coaching clients include: - Senior executives in the Banking Sector - Public Relations managers - HR managers - Entrepreneurs - Leaders in the Tech industry - Thriving Creative Industries Specialists My journey has taken me through the implementation of people development programmes around topics such as: - culture and values, - employee engagement, - mentoring, - leadership development - competency-based frameworks. Most recently I collaborated with major SaaS businesses, a top university, a non-profit organisation and an international bank. I am an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), a Certified Practitioner for Strengths Profile, MBTI, EQi 2.0/EQ 360 and MTQ48 and hold a Diploma in Training Delivery Skills from the Training Foundation.



Masters Degree in Human Resources

2002 - 2006

MBTI™ Certified Practitioner

2017 -

Vezi încă 3


R2 Strengths Profiler Certified Practitioner

2016 -

MBTI™ Certified Practitioner

2017 -

Vezi încă 3

Membru în

International Coaching Federation Member



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