Descoperă cele mai recente articole scrise de acest specialist. Acestea te pot ajuta în aprofundarea anumitor subiecte dar și în alegerea unui specialist potrivit pentru tine.
Coaching pentru carieră
Specialist licențiat și verificat
Garanția banilor înapoi
Dezvoltare personală și profesională, performanță la job și în carieră, schimbări și perioade de criză, autocunoaștere și alegeri potrivite. Specializarea mea principală este:
Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:
Cred cu tarie ca noi toti avem puterea de a ne transforma si de a creste. In cei peste 15 ani in roluri de resurse umane, trainer si coach, la care se adauga experienta de facilitare a grupurilor de terapie si dezvoltare personala, am capatat speranta ca noi toti ne putem schimba vietile in bine. Sunt certificata ICF ca Associate Certified Coach si folosesc Solution Focused Coaching, punand accent pe resurse, obiective personale si facilitand dezvoltarea prin concentrarea pe viitorul preferat. Sunt aici pentru a sustine procesul tau de transformare. Combine passion for learning, coaching and group therapy and the result is: me. With a background in Psychology and a four years school of Classical Psychodrama, these abilities are put to their best use in my coaching role. Focusing on solutions, resources and strengths, I offer clients a quick and pleasant tool to move from where they are to where they want to be. The method I use is Solution Focused Coaching, as practiced during the Brief Coaching PURE training by Solution Surfers, a school accredited by the International Coaching Federation. I am an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC). The 15 years of experience in business help me understand the challenges we encounter in our professional lives. I started with Human Resources, a role in which I learned of the inside processes of an organization and the challenges of the business partners. Training was next, and I had the pleasure to design and deliver soft skills training programs for over 4000 participants. Being also a volunteer psychotherapist, I understood the meaning of true human connection and the healing power that comes with it. Wanting to provide a quick and meaningful support to the people I encounter in my work, made me transition to coaching. Here I am. Success is the fortunate meet of action with life purpose and results. I am here to support you in reaching success, the way you envision it for yourself.
Faculty of Psychology
Classical Psychodrama Association
Vezi încă 1
Brief Coaching PURE
Associate Certified Coach
Vezi încă 2
Descoperă cele mai recente articole scrise de acest specialist. Acestea te pot ajuta în aprofundarea anumitor subiecte dar și în alegerea unui specialist potrivit pentru tine.
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