David Mitran

David Mitran

Executive coaching

Specialist licențiat și verificat

Putem vorbi despre

Dezvoltare personală și profesională, performanță la job și în carieră, schimbări și perioade de criză, autocunoaștere și alegeri potrivite. Specializarea mea principală este:

Executive coaching

Te pot ajuta și cu

Coaching pentru carieră

Coaching pentru schimbare și perioade de criză

Coaching pentru performanță

Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:


Despre mine

Am început să fac coaching în 2018, după ce am lucrat timp de 6 ani ca freelance digital marketer.

În 2022, mi-am dorit să lucrez cu organizații mai mari, pentru a avea noi oportunități de a crea un impact pozitiv asupra lumii. Acest lucru m-a motivat să încep o călătorie de certificare de un an, care m-a energizat în dorința de a deveni un coach full-time.

În 2022, m-am format în Transformational Leadership Coaching & Systemic Coaching și, la începutul anului 2023, am devenit Certified Executive Coach de către ICF (International Coaching Federation).

Descoperă mai multe despre mine aici: davidtheoptimist.com

Iată ce spun alții despre mine:

I recently completed a six-session coaching program with David through Reciprocoach, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed with his professionalism right from the start. His initial contact to arrange a conversation to get to know each other and define the program’s scope was a testament to his attention to detail and commitment to his clients.
As our coaching relationship progressed, I found myself growing in trust and psychological safety, thanks to David’s attentive and creative coaching style. He was genuinely invested in helping me delve deeper into the issues I wanted to address, and his coaching approach was truly transformational, allowing me to improve my behaviours and emotions significantly.
Overall, I have no reservations in recommending David’s coaching services. Thank you, David!

João Virott da Costa
Managing Partner at Bright Partners

David is a warm and thoughtful coach. I went to him for coaching about starting my freelance career and he balanced really attentive listening with insightful observations and gentle challenges which really helped me clarify my thinking and take action. I’m confident that I will learn even more from our sessions as I reflect more on the conversations, and I’d recommend him to anyone who wants supportive coaching with a clear focus on your goals.

Katharine Reid
Executive Director at J.P. Morgan

My name is Alina Sandu and I am a certified translator for English. I established a translation agency in 2005 and ever since, I have been struggling to have clarity on what success looks like and the steps needed to achieve it. In 2020, I met David and we have been working together ever since. Since beginning my work with David, he has been an excellent professional coach. He has helped me make better business decisions and manifest my overall vision. David is always positive, enthusiastic and supportive. His positive mindset is how he helped me develop the resiliency necessary to thrive when challenged and be driven towards my success. He is able to carefully listen and share his experience and ideas. His style and method are very effective and have helped me refocus my energies towards my goals. I always look forward to my conversations with David. I am a better leader today because of the coaching I received from him. Thank you for the inspiring and insightful coaching sessions, for your dedication and effort. You opened up valuable new perspectives and I could finally see the road to my dream.

Alina Sandu
Founder, Managing Director at Eurotranslate


Transformational Leadership Coaching & Systemic Coaching

Have taken part in a 10 month ICF accredited course which brings together a range of activities including workshops, group and 1:1 mentoring, group and peer supervision and coaching practice. Explored and practiced the most effective models and tools from behavioural, transactional analysis and positive psychology coaching and acquired the leadership coaching competencies needed to work at the highest level with leaders & teams.

2022 - 2022

The Neuroscience Academy

12-week training in applied neuroscience and brain health.

2024 - 2024


ICF Certified Executive Coach (ACC)

Earned by demonstrating knowledge and proficient use of core coaching skills through a comprehensive application and evaluation process designed to ensure high standards for the coaching profession and the clients it serves.

2023 - 2026

Certificate in Personal Development and Acting

2015 -

Vezi încă 1

Membru în

International Coaching Federation



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