Andreea Cimpoesu

Andreea Cimpoesu

Executive coaching

Specialist licențiat și verificat

Putem vorbi despre

Dezvoltare personală și profesională, performanță la job și în carieră, schimbări și perioade de criză, autocunoaștere și alegeri potrivite. Specializarea mea principală este:

Executive coaching

Te pot ajuta și cu

Coaching pentru performanță

Coaching pentru schimbare și perioade de criză

Coaching pentru management

Life coaching

Pot sa vorbesc cu tine în:


Despre mine

I work with fearless leaders. They are already successful, still, as they travel through life, they reach a point where they feel trapped, stuck in a dilemma they cannot solve by themselves. They are people "on a mission". 

As a coach, I serve them not by offering solutions to their problems, but by creating a space of unconditional positive regard where they feel free to bring their whole selves and work with authenticity and bravery. I guide them in finding their own way towards achievements that matter the most, towards a way of joy, easiness, and flow. Thus, they are able to transform insights into actions, learnings into achievements, and plans into outcomes.

My intensive, diverse and long business experience along with my education are the foundation for my coaching practice. As a life-long learner, I continuously enrich a multi-disciplinary approach, emerged from a large spectrum of frameworks and instruments: emotional agility, neuroscience, positive psychology, leadership and learning styles, systemic and transformational coaching, vertical development, dialogue, and inquiry.


Executive MBA

Central European University

2006 - 2008

MSc Project Management

Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

2000 - 2001

Vezi încă 1


Professional Certified Coach

2022 - 2025


Human Synergistics

2019 -

Vezi încă 6

Membru în

International Coaching Federation

Institute of Coaching, Affiliate Harvard Medical School

Vezi încă 2


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