
What do you do when your life partner has depression?

Depression is an extremely complex mental disorder, and when your life partner has it, you may feel powerless and frustrated. Here's what you can do!


Depression is an extremely complex mental disorder. Today, the depressed person seems happy and lively, and the second day is in a state of sadness and hopelessness. Depression causes confusion and frustration and has the power to upset/annoy people who stand in their way. Living with depression may be a Calvary, but living in a relationship with a depressed person is excruciating because you are witnessing the disintegration of the best qualities of the life partner, and you feel powerless and frustrated that you cannot be more helpful.

At the same time, the partner who accepts the depression of the beloved person has certain expectations-often, understands that the depressed person has a condition, but expects to recover to normal in a much shorter time, or, expects not to have such an impact on the everyday life of both since the social mask begins to be missing from the relationship.

The ATLAS team can offer tips and suggestions to increase the quality of life, but depression manifests differently from person to person, and no relationship is the same. Only you and your partner know what boundaries you can pass, where you can make compromises and sacrifices, and mostly how you can best live together.

The good news is that regardless of the type of relationship, depression is treatable. And this mental disorder is not the first issue over which a couple passes, and it won’t be the last. Quite necessary is the psychotherapeutic treatment, and if the specialist physician deems it appropriate to treat medication.

Below, we have some tips to help the life partner who has the diagnostic of depression

Be a good listener

Be a good listener

It’s much harder than you expect to listen to a depressed person, especially if your partner starts discussing issues that concern you both. You can encourage him to open more in front of you, but you have to consider that it can take a long time before he has the strength to talk to you. Be prepared to be put in uncomfortable situations.

In this process, you may have to make difficult decisions. One thing to appreciate is that you, too, have an open mind and not be afraid to try new things.

Don’t tell the partner that he has nothing to feel depressed about. Also, don’t tell him that everything goes very well and that you don’t understand why it feels that way. It is entirely demoralizing to confirm this to someone (whether it is right or wrong). This especially if it comes from a very close person.


Attention to detail counts

Attention to detail counts

The depressed person may consider it to be a burden to others or that they do not care what happens to him. He thinks that no one understands him. Be more careful with the details – if you read a book, ask him about the story and what he thinks, and if he recommends you read it, try to act. In this way, the depressed person feels that he has something in common with someone. This small step can be the catalyst for other steps-as small but progressing.


Encourages physical activities

Encourages physical activities

During the depressive episode (and not only), that person wants to isolate himself. The most common form of isolation is in its own home, which leads to minimal movement. Also, the longer you stay in the house, the less you stay in the sun-exposure to sunlight increases the level of serotonin in the body. This goes hand in hand with the well-being of a person.

Encourage your partner to go together for a short stroll in the park or grab a jog.


Take care of yourself

Don't forget to take care of yourself

An essential aspect, but usually neglected by the caregiver of the depressive person. Living with a person diagnosed with depression can create feelings of guilt, rage, and confusion. These frustrations need suppressing as much as possible. You also have to face these feelings together in the opportune moments and without blaming on someone’s shoulders.

Don’t neglect your mental health. Make time for yourself and your pleasures, and do not be ashamed or afraid to go to the therapist.

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Hilio Team

Hilio Team

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