
Less known causes that may lead to a depressive episode

In addition to the usual causes of depression, certain events or phenomena we did not think could influence our mental state, can trigger depression. 


Depression, the condition of the 21st century, is increasingly widespread and affects an increased number of people. We found these manifestations in many of the people around us. From the states of unhappiness felt due to some deceptions, to insomnia, lack of appetite, and anxiety, all these are symptoms.

Most of the time, to manage to treat a condition, we must first identify its causes, as this is the very first step towards healing.

Among the causes of depression, we can appoint these ones:

  • History of depression or bipolar affective disorder in the family
  • Comorbidity –  presence at the same time as a depressive disorder and a disorder of another kind (for example, anxiety disorders)
  • Exposure to catastrophic events
  • Precarious education
  • Low economic level.

In addition to the usual causes of depression, certain events or phenomena we did not think could influence our mental state, can trigger depression. 



Nicotine acts on cerebral neurotransmitters and leads to increased dopamine levels in the brain. It also works implicitly to the formation of dependence on this drug. The lack of nicotine in attempts to dispense smoking can cause depressive states.

A case study concluded that smoking could lead to depression. Smokers are more prone to depression than non-smokers. Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand said they found a causal relationship.

Specialists analyzed over 1,000 men and women in the age of 18, 21, and 25 years. Smokers have a predisposition of 2 times higher for depression than non-smokers.

Hot period of the year

For some people, the warm period of the year can cause depression. Summer depression has a biological cause, says Ian A. Cook, MD, director of the Depression Research Program at UCLA, USA. For others, the particular stress of summer can be gathered. It makes them feel unhappy. The fact that you feel forced to have fun with the coming of summer can be a trigger factor. Especially when you see everyone at sea, happy and having fun around the clock.


Social networks

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine recently conducted a study on the effects of social networks on the excellent provision of users. The research established that young adults, the more they use social networks, the more likely they are to be depressed. The findings of this study could help specialists better understand the causes of depression.

Doctor  Primack and his team questioned 1.787 adults in the USA. The ages were between 19 and 32 years, and the questionnaires offered to participants relied on the rate of use of social networks-the replies. They were analyzed with a tool for assessing the Depression. Analyzed social networks included:

  • Facebook,
  • YouTube,
  • Twitter,
  • Google Plus,
  • Instagram,
  • Snapchat,
  • Reddit,
  • Tumblr,
  • Pinterest,
  • Vine,
  •  LinkedIn.

According to the replies, participants used social networks about 61 minutes a day. They visited, on average, several platforms 30 times a week. More than a quarter of the participants are classified as having a high risk of depression.


Ending a story

Due to emotional involvement, ending a series, as well as completing a book:

  • activates depressive passages;
  • aggravates depression.

This phenomenon is mostly in young people who have more free time.


Agglomeration and Urban stress

People living in large and crowded cities are more prone to depression than people living in rural areas or small towns.



The lack of certain foods in daily nutrition may be associated with an increased risk of having passing depression. A diet based only on fast food has a negative effect not only physically but also psychologically. A healthy diet can even help treat depression. People who eat fruit, vegetables, and fish often have lower chances of being diagnosed with depression or other illnesses such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or heart problems.

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