
How you can identify depression but also how you can fight it

Women are twice as likely to be depressed than men. With the help of a specialist you can identify and treat depression right now.

Identify depression

During the last period, depression is a more and more debated topic. After ATLAS team research it seems it has also begun to scale among the public people in Romania.

If worldwide over 300 million people are affected by this disease (cf. the World Health Organisation), meaning one in 25 people, in Romania, at least 5% of the entire population suffers from a depressive disorder.

What is concerning is that in reality, there are many more people who experience depression. Most of them do not acknowledge this. Sometimes simply do not want to accept the disease itself. Most of them have the impression that if they recognise this, they would automatically be judged, and they would be considered crazy and also denied by society.

Women are more exposed to depression

Another important aspect is that women are more likely exposed to this disease. They are twice as exposed as men. Perhaps this is also the reason why more and more female celebrities want to speak in public about this. They talk about childhood experiences and the depressive states that have passed or are still passing.

Depression is as a chemical imbalance in the brain that brings :

  • anxiety,
  • irritability,
  • fatigue to a higher level.

Also, depression is a struggle with traumas that a person has to take it with itself.

How do we treat depression

In this context that it should be noted and stressed that depression is not treated alone or (only) with medicines. Depression requires professional help (such as a psychotherapist) to guide you and help you overcome this obstacle.

There is no shame in asking for help, especially if you request it from the right people, who know how to treat you.

Unfortunately, nowadays we can no longer talk about the demographical profile of a depressive. This is because it no longer respects any age group or the living environment.

 The most common causes of suicide are found in people aged between 15 and 29 who are usually:

  • introverted,
  • pessimistic,
  • stressed over the limit,

or are people who have been exposed over time to continuous:

  • violence,
  • negligence,
  • abuse,
  • poorness.

 Symptoms are:

  • loss of energy,
  • change in appetite,
  • lack of concentration,
  • lack of hope,
  • value and even suicidal thoughts.

We don’t have to ignore the fact that certain medical conditions may cause depression.

If you identify yourself as having the mentioned above symptoms, then perhaps you should contact an accredited specialist to help you understand better your own thoughts and experiences. This could help to eliminate negative ones as soon as possible.

It doesn’t matter if you stay overseas and countries.

ATLAS gives you the opportunity to heal online through virtual meetings. How much does a meeting cost, and what can it offer you? You can find out right now if you’re making an account here.

Written by

Hilio Team

Hilio Team

Sunt Maria, unul dintre Specialiștii Hilio care te poate ajuta cu o ședință gratuită de evaluare și îndrumare. De asemenea, te pot ajuta cu orice întrebare legată de această platformă. Tot ceea ce trebuie tu să faci este să rezervi o ședință gratuita listată mai jos sau să îmi scrii în fereastra de chat.

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Book a session with this specialist.

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