Stress, a word we hear more and more often. It is impossible not to know it and not recognize it. We find it in everyday life and consider it responsible for many of the affections we have. But do we know exactly what are the most important stress factors?
We have challenged some of the specialists in the ATLAS community to reveal to us a top of the stress-causing factors they have encountered and give us information on how to recognize and combat them.
The first article in this series is written by psychologist and psychotherapist Delia Bebi.
Modern life offers many more opportunities than in the past, and the horizons have become much wider, but it comes with certain costs. The paradox is that although we have several options at hand, from places where to make our market up to information of interest at a click distance, yet many people live in a state of continuous stress. This, unaddressed, has negative and sometimes irreversible effects.
Stress, however, to a certain extent, is subjective. It is about how we perceive what is happening to us and how to interpret reality. Except for the objective situations, such as: losing a job, a loved one, divorce, resettlement, the rest of the situations will influence us, as we let them do it, through the filter we look at with the world.
What exactly are the manifestations of stress?
In general, it is good to be connected to ourselves. Let’s consider how we feel and why we feel a certain thing. And all of this to take the first step towards controlling our emotional states and not the other way around.
Firstly, they appear:
- headaches
- insomnia
- gastric disorders
- chronic fatigue
- concentrating difficulties
- states of irritability
- negative perspective on the outside world.
We are talking about a massive discharge of cortisol, the stress hormone, which will affect the person and at the organic level.
If we refer to chronic stress, you may experience:
- depression
- hypertension
- cardiac arrhythmia,
- panic attacks,
- gastric ulcer,
- fertility problems,
- weight fluctuations,
- anxious states.
That’s why the early management of stress will make an enormous difference in its evolution.
What factors predispose to the emergence of stress?
- Urban traffic and agitation, daily roads in agglomeration, exposes the person to some stimuli that shake and create uncomfortable states. How many irascible drivers do we meet on the way home? If we count them, we would be unpleasant surprised.
- Technology and social media bombard the human brain with thousands of stimuli, with excess information, negative news. The mind consumes a multitude of resources to select only what is important to us. Plus, there’s a social comparison with people we think are better than us. It’s just that we don’t consider that most of them only post what is desirable and positive.
- Pressure from the workplace, deadlines, state over the program, excess loads in a short time generates tension. It must be kept under control, in order not to drift into chronic stress.
- The bloodbath in an environment where we do not find ourselves, the lack of meaning and the realisation of tasks that are not in accord with our abilities cause discomfort and frustration.
- Family responsibilities, worries, a tense marriage, conflicts also put their mark on the emotional state of the one who experiences them.
What can we do to get out of the roadblock?
Firstly, to realise, then act by:
- relaxation techniques,
- stress management techniques,
- building healthy habits,
- sports,
- unprocessed food,
- consulting a specialist.
Because the lack of time is the main problem, online therapy can do wonders in improving customers ‘ statuses, being efficient and in terms of time resources. I have met in practice cases of people lacking in hope, demotivated, unhappy. After a few sessions, they reappeared their smiles on their faces and a state of inner peace.

It is a joy to be able to see these transformations for the better, which in the long term will reconcile mental health on a social level. We will all benefit from this.
Modern life can be stressful. Stressors are at all pace. Schedule an individual meeting with Delia, which can help you overcome the blockage you are in.
Talk to a specialist, it can help you discover another perspective.