
4 simple methods for a good stress management

Life can be stressful for various reasons. Find out how can you do stress management correctly, and even learn to avoid stress completely.

4 simple methods for good stress management

In general, we mean stress when we feel suffocated by everything that surrounds us. When we are overloaded and give rise to thoughts, often negative, but also when we do not know whether we can cope with situations occurring at work or home. This pressure can take us by surprise and remain impregnated in our minds for an indefinite period, with very damaging consequences even in the short term. Life can be stressful for various reasons. The important thing is to understand how to do stress management correctly, and even learn to avoid it completely.

Here’s how we can do a good stress management:


1.Manage your time better

4 metode simple pentru a-ți menaja stresul

All that means managing the time at the office, which tasks have a higher priority, which is not urgent and can be postponed but also managing your free time, which implies a detachment from the stress felt in the professional environment. The better we learn to organise our time, the easier it is to diminish the pressure, and the quality of life can increase.


2. Analyse your lifestyle

The decisions you make about lifestyle have a massive impact on the level of stress you feel every day. The lifestyle itself may not be stressful, but there is a possibility that it can prevent the body from getting back from stressful times.

Try to:

  • find a favourable balance for yourself between your personal, professional life and family needs.
  • set a goal in life, either a personal project or something professionally.
  • sleep long enough.
  • adopt healthy habits, such as eating healthier, limiting your drinking and not smoking.
  • do physical activity regularly. Daily walks, putty that you do not make an exhilarating jogging session, can reduce stress.


3. Trust your safety net

4 metode simple pentru a-ți menaja stresul

Family, friends, even people in the community you frequently interact with have a say when it comes to the moral support you need. Support groups are indispensable to maintain a healthy mental state.

When you feel stressed, try to search for support from:

  • family and friends,
  • work colleagues or people you know through hobbies,
  • specialized help,
  • dedicated support groups to combat stress, depression and anxiety.


4. Change the way you think

4 metode simple pentru a-ți menaja stresul
Negative thinking about your person can come from stressful events. It can manifest itself by channelling attention only to the negative aspects of a situation, which often can make you completely forget about the positive things. Negative thinking can cause you to feel lonely, depressed, anxious and scared. It also comes with the feeling that you no longer have control over the decisions in your life, but also a massive reduction in self-esteem.

Some ideas for solving problems are:

  • cognitive-behaviour therapy can help you cope with problems by changing the way you think.
  • pro-active actions to solve problems can help you identify stressful aspects of situation, find things you can change and how to perceive those things that are not under your control.
  • learning to be assertive in communication, could bring you the advantage that you can communicate your needs without feeling judged by other people. The fact that you can’t talk about what is troubling you creates stress and this inability to communicate leads to an exacerbation of negative thinking.

In conclusion, we must not forget that stress management methods exist. Whether it is time management, a discussion with a close friend, a long walk or therapy with a specialist, only it is necessary to accept the difficulty in which we find ourselves, to open our minds, accept help and not let stress lead our lives.

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