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Lose Weight
Licensed and verified specialist
Healthy lifestyle, the right diet for you, how to lose weight or gain weight in a healthy way, what to eat if you suffer from a metabolic disease or mindfulness in food. My main specialization is:
I can also help you with
Second Opinion
Weight gain
Healthy diets
Lose Weight
Eating Disorders
I can speak to you in:
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Lacatus Petrisor
Laura was very professional, easy to talk to and extremely insightful
Simona Talaba
super placuta interactiunea, mi-a placut mult si am decis sa colaboram pe termen lung
Alexandra Popescu
Sfaturi foarte bune și utile! Mulțumesc!
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Facultatea de Medicină UMF Carol Davila
Medic specialist Igienă școlară
Membru Colegiul Medicilor București
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