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Healthy lifestyle, the right diet for you, how to lose weight or gain weight in a healthy way, what to eat if you suffer from a metabolic disease or mindfulness in food. My main specialization is:
I can also help you with
Healthy diets
Lose Weight
Personal training
Eating Disorders
Weight gain
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Alina Istrate
A fost o conversatie utila despre obiceiuri bune in alimentatie. Multumesc!
Cristian Meheleanu
Informatia a transmisa a fost clara si structurata
Ioana Neaga
Atitudine prietenoasa, discutie ancorata in realitate, cu aplicabilitate imediata. Recomand
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Buna, ma numesc Adrian, am 48 de ani, sunt pasionat de sporturi de anduranta, calatorii, gatit si nutritie.
Professional Diploma in Sport Nutrition - Barca Innovation Hub
2022 - 2023
Integrative Health and Medicine Specialization - University of Minnesota
2022 -
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Tehnician nutritionist - Ministerul Muncii, Ministerul Educatiei
2019 -
Consilier dezvoltare personala - Ministerul muncii, Ministerul educatiei
2021 -
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Discover the latest articles written by this specialist. They can help you delve into specific topics and guide you in choosing a suitable specialist for your needs.
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