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Medical tests interpretation, establishing a diagnosis, issuing a medical prescription, a medical report or a medical opinion. My main specialization is:
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Diana Pop
I have a very positive feeling after the meeting I just had with dr. Jinca Cristian. He is very professional and patiently reply to all my questions.
Flavia Nafarean
Cel mai bun doctor Jinca Cristian !!!
Mihaela Constantin
Un medic bine pregătit, serios, care oferă recomandări si informații pe care sa le poți înțelege.
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Dr. Cristian Marius Jinca este medic specialist in Hematologie si in Onco-hematologie Pediatrica si medic primar in Pediatrie, avand competenta in transplantul medular si afereza de celule stem. Dr. Jinca este sef de lucrari la Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie VICTOR BABEȘ din Timișoara.
Societatea Romana de Onco-hematologie Pediatrica (SROHP)
Societatea Romana de Hematologie (SRH)
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