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Change and crisis management
Licensed and verified specialist
Personal and professional development, job and career performance, change and crisis, self-knowledge and right choices. My main specialization is:
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Management coaching
Executive coaching
Performance coaching
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Ghita Betti
Daaa,cu mare drag!
Paduraru Cornelia Manuela
Raluca m-a ajutat sa ma focusez pe ce este important pentru mine. Creaza usor un cadru cald de conexiune, incredere si siguranta. Prin intrebari bine structurate, ajung mereu la insight-uri, cu care ulterior construiesc asa de usor. Reusesc usor sa plec cu un plan in minte pe care sa il si pun in practica.
AnaMaria Neamtu
Raluca este o persoana plina de energie pozitiva. A fost exact ce am avut nevoie.
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În rolul de Coach, ghidez oamenii să ajungă la starea lor de bine, personal și profesional.
Stress Management and Employee Wellness Program, Stanford University, School of Medicine
2023 - 2023
Well-being Principles and Positive Psychology Program, Stanford University, School of Medicine
2022 - 2022
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Certificate, Stress Management for Leaders and Employee Wellness
2023 - 2040
Certificate, Well-being Principles in the Workplace
2022 - 2040
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Federația Internațională de Coaching (ICF)
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