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Medical tests interpretation, establishing a diagnosis, issuing a medical prescription, a medical report or a medical opinion. My main specialization is:
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Médecine familiale
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Ruxandra Elena Huidan
Doamna doctor a fost foarte amabila si mi-a prescris tratamentul necesar nevoii mele.
Stefan Butnaru
Stefan Butnaru
Totul a decurs bine! Recomand
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Medic primar medicina de familie cu peste 15 ani de experienta in domeniu ofer consultatii de specialitate atat copiilor cat si adultilor
Facultatea de Medicina Generala UMF CAROL DAVILA
1999 - 2005
2005 -
Colegiul Medicilor Bucuresti
Discover the latest articles written by this specialist. They can help you delve into specific topics and guide you in choosing a suitable specialist for your needs.
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