
What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a way to help people when they experience mental disorders or emotional difficulties that they do not understand.

What is psychotherapy and how can it help you?

“What is Psychotherapy?” – Psychotherapy is a way to help people when experiencing mental balance disorders or emotional difficulties that they do not understand. Psychotherapy hold on the interpersonal relationship between psychotherapist and client; this can increase the quality of life by reducing or eliminating symptoms and problems.

The most common problems encountered by psychotherapy specialists are:

  • Overwhelming feelings of sadness
  • Inability to cope with everyday problems
  • Dependence on alcohol or drugs
  • The feeling that problems never improve
  • Sexual frustration
  • Lack of a balanced life

Being a very stigmatized practice in our society, going to a psychotherapist is sometimes hindered by friends and family, and people who need help don’t get it. Also, geographic limitation and psychic blockage that you do not know what form of therapy is needed, let alone if the problems fall under the category of those who need specialized help, scares many.


What do the first psychotherapy sessions look like?


As a rule, in the first sessions of psychotherapy, the specialist will gather information about the problems they are struggling with and learn more about the customer. The psychotherapist will also explain, in turn, his professional orientation and what types of therapy can be useful.

After a first session, the client will figure out if he feels comfortable with the specialist, whether the style and personality of the therapist is to his liking, and will, in large, understand how many therapy sessions it takes. The therapeutic relationship is very important for the healing process, and if you do not feel comfortable talking to that person, you must seek someone else.

Also, chances are very high that your experience in therapy is completely different from what you read on the net or talking to others.


There are several types of therapy


Each psychotherapist applies one or more types of therapy according to the needs of each client – being people with unique characteristics; it takes a very appropriate approach.


Behavioral therapy

It focuses on changing the visible behavior of the present, where the therapist is an educator to determine the client to understand how he can change his condition for the better if he changes his behavior.


Cognitive therapy

It is about educating the customer in understanding that the events in his life do not control the emotional provisions and reactions, but more than the analysis he is doing on them.


Interpersonal therapy

It focuses on the idea that disturbing the psychic balance has been created in the context of difficulties arising in relations with loved ones, such as friends, colleagues, and family.


Group therapy

Group therapy involves a meeting with a small group of people (5-8). The benefits are interpersonal learning, improving social skills, and group cohesion. Of course, there are also economic advantages, a meeting being cheaper.


Positive psychotherapy

The premise of this type of therapy is that human nature is intrinsically good, and it focuses on wellbeing. Its approach is to move away from concentrating on distress to what’s good and positive, to amplifying, assessing, and appreciating clients’ strengths.


Psychodynamic therapy

Explore the relationship between conscious and unconscious, relying on the theories of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung.

plus a lot more.


Difficulties in taking a step towards psychotherapy?


If time does not allow you to make a journey to the psychologist, the therapist you are resonating with is from another city or, you would feel more comfortable if the sessions take place  in the comfort of your home through the Atlas platform, anyone can create an account in 30 seconds, and he gets a specialist suitable for his needs. You have access 24/h seven days out of 7 to a specialist ready to help you. Meetings can be done online, through Atlas, the geographic limitation we are a problem, and everything is fully secured. The most popular online payment platform, Netopia MobilPlay, protects online payments.

We know how hard it is to find the right specialist, which is why we offer the opportunity to have the first free meeting, followed by our “Money-back Guarantee” policy/”Money-back Guarantee”!


Now that you’ve heard the answer to the question “What is psychotherapy?” and how it can help you, don’t let your traffic and unnecessary costs stop you from starting the healing process!

Written by

Mihai Bran

Mihai Bran

Sunt medic primar psihiatru si psihoterapeut si unul dintre fondatorii acestei platforme. Pot sa te ajut cu evaluari si recomandari pentru a depasi probleme legate de stres, insomnie, stari de anxietate sau depresie.....

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