
How do you know if you need Anger Management?

Anger management is a process by which we learn to recognize the signs of anger, to act in order to calm ourselves & resolve situations in a positive way.


How many times has it happened for you to get so angry because of minor reasons to the extent that you don’t realize what you are doing? Reactions triggered by anger and high levels of adrenaline are diverse and can physically affect us through palpitations, pulse increase, high temperature and more.

On the other hand, our image or the relationships we have with others may be affected by the aggressive or inappropriate behavior we may express in the event of anger. Since we can not control anger-generating situations, it is best to learn to control our attitude towards them.

Anger management is a process by which we learn to recognize the signs of anger, to act in order to calm ourselves and resolve the situation in a positive way. However, there’s the misconception that anger management encourages denial and the avoidance of anger. This is false. Anger is a natural and healthy emotion, when expressed properly.

How do we recognize anger?

cum-recunoastem-furia-anger-managementAmong the manifestations of anger we have the following:

  • aggressive temperament
  • irritability
  • outbursts
  • verbal attacks
  • violence
  • internal fury
  • blaming those around for what’s happening to us
  • the sense of loss of control
  • self-mutilation

Psychotherapy is recommended to solve the problem of anger, which has the benefits of perceiving the deep causes of irritability, analyzing feelings and thoughts that make up this state, recognizing trigger factors, understanding them, and using techniques and tools to manage anger-causing situations.

Methods to manage anger manifestations


If you haven’t planned a visit to a Specialist to ask for help, there are some simple ways you can try to overcome your negative feelings:

A break can do wonders

The method that implies counting up to 10, associated with strong breathing, is not only useful for children, it can also help angry people to calm down. A break from the situation that caused the anger helps frustration disappear.

After you’ve calmed down, express your anger

The moment you feel that you are starting to think clearly, you could begin to express your rage in a non-aggressive way. Express your concerns clearly and directly, without hurting or controlling others.

Try a few physical exercises

Physical exercise can be a valve for your emotions, especially when you are just about to burst. If you feel angry, try to go for a walk or run or spend some time doing your favorite exercises. This kind of exercise helps you relax.

Measure your words

It’s possible that in tense moments you could say a few things that you might regret later on. Take a breather to think and measure your words accordingly before you say anything and, also, allow those involved to do the same.

Identify possible solutions

Instead of focusing on the reason of your anger, try to solve the problem. Remember that anger does not solve anything.

Use first person verbs

This helps with avoiding possible insults or criticisms that you might address to others. Be respectful and specific.

Don’t hold a grudge

Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow your anger and other negative feelings to shade your positive feelings, you will be swallowed up by your bitterness.

Use humor to relieve tension

Humor can help relieve tension, but it is not recommended to use sarcasm – it can hurt feelings or worsen the situation.

Practice relaxation techniques

Exercising deep breathing, imagining a relaxing scene or repeating a word or a soothing phrase can help you a lot. You can also listen to music, write a diary or practice yoga.

Ask for help when you need it

In this regard, you can try out counseling or courses to control anger. A Specialist can help you enormously in such situations.

Written by

Mihai Bran

Mihai Bran

Sunt medic primar psihiatru si psihoterapeut si unul dintre fondatorii acestei platforme. Pot sa te ajut cu evaluari si recomandari pentru a depasi probleme legate de stres, insomnie, stari de anxietate sau depresie.....

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