Andrei Moise

Andrei Moise


Licensed and verified specialist

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We can talk about

Your wellbeing goals, challenges, problems, symptoms, disorders or conditions or how to be feel better. My main specialization is:


I can also help you with







Паническа атака

Личностни разстройства


Посттравматично стресово разстройство

Психологически разстройства

Затруднения в отношенията



Обсесивно-компулсивното разстройство

Синдом на "изгарянето"

Биполярно разстройство


Психологични разстройства, свързани с онкологични заболявания

Психологични разстройства, свързани със соматични заболявания

Клинична психология


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Testimonials( 241 )

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Bianca Giroszasz

Dupa fiecare sesiune simt ca sunt echipata cu unelte ca sa fiu mai bine cu mine si in relatiile mele. Recomand!

Filip Laurentiu

Super ședință Recomand cu drag

Silviu Teodor Popescu


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За мен

Certified Clinical Psychologist specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Why do I use cognitive behavioral psychotherapy?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most researched and evidence-based form of psychotherapy available today. Unlike other approaches that often lack rigorous validation, CBT offers proven, reliable tools for meaningful change.

What made me choose to be a psychologist?
Becoming a psychologist was influenced by a blend of cultural, genetic, and personal experiences, many of which were beyond my control. From a young age, I was captivated by the complexities of the human mind. Facing challenges myself and witnessing others’ struggles further fueled my curiosity for understanding people and desire to help.

In addition to being a psychologist, I am also an AI Engineer, working to create scalable and innovative mental health solutions. Beyond work, I’m an espresso enthusiast, weightlifting and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, podcast listener, traveler, and avid reader. I share my home with a French Bulldog named Blackberry (Mură).

P.S. Psychotherapy isn’t just about recovering or returning to your previous self, it’s also about growth, improvement, and achieving your best version.

For appointments, feel free to send me a message.


Bachelor of Science – BS, Psychology

Specialization - Psychology (3 years)


Master of Science – MS, Clinical psychology and short-term therapeutic interventions

Specialization - Clinical psychology and Psychotherapy (2 years)


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Psychologist certified by the College of Psychologists in Romania (Personal ID 15451)

The College of Psychologists in Romania Personal ID 15451

2013 -


The College of Psychologists in Romania - Personal ID 15451

Psychologist certified by the College of Psychologists in Romania (Personal ID 15451)


American Psychological Association (APA) - Personal ID 00222602

APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 115,700 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. Our mission is to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people's lives. We do this by: Encouraging the development and application of psychology in the broadest manner. Promoting research in psychology, the improvement of research methods and conditions and the application of research findings. Improving the qualifications and usefulness of psychologists by establishing high standards of ethics, conduct, education and achievement. Increasing and disseminating psychological knowledge through meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications.


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