#1 partner in (empowering) workforce health & wellbeing programs

We use science, data & technology to create a culture of physical, mental and emotional health for people thriving at work and at home.

#1 partner in (empowering) workforce health & wellbeing programs

Trusted by

Our approach

End to end assistance for wellbeing and mental health program implementations.

We believe in personalized journeys that lead to measurable outcomes. Our solutions are science based and all our specialists are licensed. We believe successful programs are built on 6 strategic pillars:



Hilio Wellscore - A tool that measures 11 indicators of life quality and their impact over your team's way of working and recommends tailored solutions for the organization.



Hilio Masterclasses - Wellbeing and mental health topics for your leadership team and colleagues delivered by first class experts.



Hilio self-help - A collection of digital content and scientific tools that help employees self manage their well-being fully on their own or in-between sessions.



Hilio Specialists Community - 1000+ Multidisciplinary specialists & doctors for individual online or offline sessions.

Real time analytics

Real time analytics

Hilio Corporate Dashboard - A dedicated real time company dashboard that measures your employees progress in their well-being journey.



Quarterly ROI review with your dedicated wellbeing consultant.

Our services
Hilio Benefits
Hilio Benefits

For company

50% of leaders say that the implementation of well-being initiatives boosts employees performance and 81% of employees would choose a company that offers mental health support.

Scientific assessment protocol to gain an in-depth understanding of the well-being of your employees, interpreted by a multidisciplinary team: wellbeing specialist, psychologist and psychiatrist. 11 tests holistically analyze all the elements that influence an individual's well-being: mental health, personal development, physical health, career opportunities, healthy couple and social relationships, belonging to the environment and lifestyle.

For employees

45% of participants in well-being programs say that the resources they received helped them in everyday life and 91% of job seekers would prefer a company that supports their mental health.

Our content is 100% reliable, scientific and created by our specialists, to help your employees become informed and educated about all aspects of wellbeing. We provide a wide range of topics in different formats: written, video and audio.
For employees
For HR teams

For HR teams

We offer the best solutions for the benefit of your employees. Through Hilio you have access to content for you and your team as well as program analysis tools while preserving employee confidentiality.

We transfer our engagement know-how and provide you with a unique collection of tools and communication materials to help you successfully implement your well-being strategy. No effort required to design, create and implement internal communication tactics to grow awareness and adoption of your well-being program. Free of charge onboarding workshops delivered by our wellbeing consultants.
Our impact
Translated into numbers
400.000 +

employees received Hilio benefits.

up to 8:1 ROI

for Hilio wellbeing and mental health programs.


of users feel better after a meeting with a specialist.


of employees who used telemedicine said it saved them a trip to the doctor.

A good health starts with a good talk

Testimonials from some of our amazing partners.

“ Prietenii noștri de la Hilio au fost aproape de noi și au răspuns rapid nevoii noastre de a oferi suport psiho-emoțional pentru un număr foarte mare de colegi 18.000, dintre care peste 17.000 oameni în prima linie în magazine. Am apreciat rapiditatea cu care s-au organizat pentru a pune cât mai repede la dispoziția colegilor acest sprijin, atât de necesar, generat de pandemie și lockdown. “
“ Am găsit în Hilio acea echipă de profesioniști acreditați, deschiși și atenți atât la nevoile punctuale ale colegilor care apelează la suportul lor, cât și pe partea de client-service, raportat la necesitățile noastre organizaționale. Flexibilitate, deschidere, ușurință și rapiditate în comunicare sunt doar câteva dintre atuurile lor. “
“ Hilio a răspuns solicitărilor noastre prompt și personalizat, fie că a fost vorba despre recomandarea unui specialist, un conținut creat special pentru noi sau rezolvarea urgentă a unei solicitări. Datorită serviciilor de calitate oferite și a feedback-ului primit din partea echipei noastre, putem recomanda Hilio ca un furnizor profesionist și de încredere. “
“ A fost plăcut să găsim în Hilio un partener de încredere și orientat spre client, care a fost întotdeauna deschis să răspundă nevoilor noastre într-un mod rapid și să ofere în același timp standardele de calitate la care ne-am așteptat.Punerea în aplicare a contractului a fost lină și rapidă; serviciile lor sunt ușor de accesat pentru angajații noștri. “
Let's sync with health.

Let us show you how easy and powerful working in a balanced workplace can be!

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+40 732 456 544

Let's sync with health.